TINKER (an auThentIc learNing and gender inclusive frameworK for tEaching infoRmatics in schools across Europe) project aims to revolutionise informatics education in upper primary and lower secondary schools through a comprehensive pedagogical framework. Rooted in authentic learning principles, the project encourages students to engage with real-life tasks, promoting exploration and intentional connections between theoretical knowledge and practical experiences. This pedagogical approach aligns with the latest JRC report that emphasises the importance of problem-solving and product creation in informatics curricula, as well as contributes to the EU’s goal of ensuring that by 2030, 80% of adults will possess basic digital skills and there will be 20 million ICT specialists across the member states.

The project also aims to address and overturn the severe underrepresentation of women and gender minorities in the field, by adopting a progressive gender-inclusive stance. In particular, it will promote gender-inclusive teaching practices creating positive student-centred environments that celebrate diversity. By addressing existing biases, TINKER aims to contribute to a transformative educational experience where gender diversity is not only respected but also valued as an asset.

TINKER Project's official website: https://tinker-project.eu/

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